Our company, FaduwArt Bt. was born in 2001 and her main activity was desktop pulishing and applied art at that time.

Our activity range has been expanded. We try to support micro, small and medium sized companies and educational institutions in-house or outsourced if needed.

Software distribution and localization became one of our core activity. We are searching and evaluating programs continuously to find the most suitable and affordable ones for SMEs.

On this website we are collecting these useful software applications and provide a brief description in both English and Hungarian. If we are the distributor of the software, you can find it on our central website: www.faduwart.hu and it can be bought in our (Hungarian) webshop.

Information about our services can be found on www.kkvszolgaltatasok.hu (in Hungarian) ("KKVszolgaltatasok" means services for SMEs).

We hope, you like our collection! If you know a software which we should include in the list, let us know!

FaduwArt Bt.